Carbed version....thought it might be handy for when you have taken them all out and forgotten where they go back....
Thanks!!! Stripped my 900SL in 2004, reassembling now after 10 years... Spend more time on the net looking at pictures and for reference material like this. Don't suppose you have for the clutch cover side? I'm being greedy now... Apologies!!! Next big project will be all the fueling and venting pipes for carbs... EEK!!!
KG, Your in luck took these off the other day. Sorry photo is all I can do. Please note this is from a 92 900ss. Those head studs look a bit silver do they have a letter stamped on the end? Cheers Gaz
H Gaz, Thanks for the Clutch cover pic with details! The studs were a brownish color, I cleaned them with Scottish-brite. No markings on the studs, I also looked, wanted to see if they were the new, or old type. Regards Kurt
Great! very useful! I'm also comiling a full list of bolts needed for the 750SS will share it a soon as is finished Tom
KG, Please ref pictures for old & new studs, silver ones are the old ones. I have added 3 more bolt to picture A, B & C, can't remember what they are for it's been that long. Would appreciate it if anyone can remind me. Cheers Gaz.
Thanks for the pic of the studs, If I recall they looked like the ones on the right, brown/ bronze colour before I cleaned them. See pic attached. Thanks Kurt