I’ve taken my 750 to bits with a view to clean and replace anything and do a full service including bearings, brakes, valves belts etc. Im intending to repaint the frame and bodywork but can’t decide of a paint scheme. what’s people’s thoughts? Red frame black body Black frame red body Silver/gold frame red body Silver/gold frame black body I don’t want to do a white frame as they show all the dirt. Thanks
Over the years there was someone on here who had access to computer software where you could’ve taken your 750 SS and dialled in any colours you like, this would’ve been ideal. It’s just occurred to me that unless you are using the bikini fairings then not a lot of frame is on display anyway, so maybe less of a reason to change colour radically. The main question here for me is - have you thought further down the line to when you come to sell it, as if you go too away from conventional then this will have a bearing on value. Apart from this, if black is your favourite then it’s this year’s colour.
Thanks for your reply. I won’t be having the fairing so it’ll just be mudguard, tank and seat. As you say I don’t want to deviate too much but I like all those combos and don’t want to end up being stuck with something I don’t like further down the line
Red Frame and red wheels, white bodywork, Black frame and red bodywork and wheels. What colour wheels are you using.
I did a Facebook post on this an the consensus is Black frame and wheels, red bodywork. my M696 is the same scheme but I hadn’t posted a pic of it as I didn’t want to bias it
Fine choice. I've only got gold wheels as they cost me a fortune, originally the OE wheels were black. Figured if I spent the money, may as well show it off
I'm not a fan of the naked bike but I can of it looked like the top one I'm a fairings girl Pop an introduction in the newbies section and direct others to your refresh/rebuild I know our forum enjoys them