Hi, Hopefully an easy answer. Looking at a second hand set of Termi's that came off a 750SS (Carby). Are these the same units for a 900SS (Carby)?
I thought the headers on a 900 were larger diameter to those on the 750, in which case wouldn't that make the link pipes larger too?
If you decide not to fit them I would *love* a set of Termis for my 750SS carby. I'd happily buy them from you. PM me if you like. I cannot find them for love nor money for my SS
@Arquebus , I think the main headers are larger but jthen taper down to the same size as the 600 and 750ss (the SL pipe fits my single 600 headers) As do the 888/851 headers I think
Well....I was half right then.....but I do know that 750 IE cans and zorst link pipes can be made to fit the carbed 750.