Whilst going through the motions of buying an 848 I asked my current insurer if they could insure a Ducati (currently have bmw insurance). Obviously couldn't transfer but they started a new quote which came out about £400. (Paying £160 at the mo) Yesterday I went to the Ducati insurance website and the best quote was with equity red star for £260 (Inc the extras) but excess was £400! The next best was with Aegis(?) at £360 (inc extras) with £0 excess. I have 9+ years ncb and clean license and am 38 years old fir a little time longer. Is this a good price? I was expecting less.
£180 from Bennett's. £500 excess! but this is the 1st time I've had insurance in uk for over 12 years. could only prove 3 years no claims. 45 years old and full bike licence since 1995. br, ian
I always find Bennetts to be expensive. I use Carole Nash, and have done for years. Think I paid £260 or £280 for this year, with a £400 XS.
Interesting - I had a quote from Carol Nash and it was over £400 with a £450 excess. Under written by Aegis bizarrely!?!
Bennetts and all the others wanted £500 plus. Didn't try Ducati Insurance last year but I may give them a try this year.
Posted a similar thread the other day, 2012 848 with Termignoni cans, ECU etc. Carbon bits, Alloy bits, Tall screen, seat etc. all declared. 50 years young, full no claims, 0 points at present. 3000 miles/annum Ducati Insurance - Highway £188
Well new bike, 15500 cost v 2yr old and 9k insured value, but getting someone to insure it was actually quite difficult. My current wouldn't, I have to cancel and lose the policy and start a new one
I think it's probably fair to say that there is no logic when it comes to insurance - it all boils down to which way the wind is blowing when you call?!! I'm not sure how something the government have made a legal requirement, isn't actually governed???
Deposit down on bike and quotes are now in. Ducati insurance (underwritten by Ageas) £333. £0 voluntary & £0 compulsory excess. Bennett's. £183. £0 voluntary and £450 compulsory excess. What are the thoughts on here? Excess or not??