Does anyone know the stock ride height of an 848 Corse and where it's measured to? I'm thinking of tinkering with the ride height now I've got an adjuster on there but as I had it fitted when the bike was in for a service (I'm lazy) I just asked them to make sure it was set to the same ride height as stock. I didn't check it myself before and after it was fitted though so before I start moving it around I want to be sure I know what the standard height is so I can reset it if I want to. It should be at stock height just now but I'd like to double check it before I do anything. Wish I'd measured it and noted the stock height myself before the adjuster went on... Cheers. Andy
Would it not depend on the preloaded on the shock? That would effect static sag which would then effect the measurement. I need to get mine properly set up. I had it done at the dealership but it was just softening of the stock settings so I need it done around me really.
See, that's the kind of thing that was confusing me. I've had the bike set up and I know I like it as it is so maybe the best bet is to measure it as it sits now and call that my "Base" setting. I can then raise or lower the ride height knowing I can just put it back to the way it is just now. This way I don't need to know the stock height, just the height it's at just now...
The adjuster is there to let you set ride height regardless of settings. Witchcraft as far as I'm concerned
Do a search, here or google, there is loads of advice and you can buy ride height tools to make the job really easy. Cant remember if its set static sag upright or on the rear stand for example. Been a while
what kinda bike with an eccentric chain adjusting hub comes with no means of re setting the ride height......oh yeah the lokalikey wannabe thingy..
So on the majority of 848, how do you keep that 830 seat height dimension once you have adjusted the chain ?
Too confusing for me andyb I'll make sure I know what it is at just now before I move anything, that way I'll be able to put it back if I don't prefer it. Thanks for the pic of the manual Richie. I never had time over the weekend to check this at all, so I can have a fettle this week after work one night. Cheers. Andy
Pointless my opinion... go to a specialist and have the suspension set up for your height. Adjust the sag etc, whole shooting match. It will transform the bike immensely, you'll be hooning the corners..Braaaaap !!
for the non technical you adjust your chain by rotating an eccentric. this action means the bike tends to increase in ride height when you adjust the chain. Ducati fitted the adjustable ride height rod so you can reset the ride height after adjusting the chain...which is a bit difficult on a bike with no ride height most 848...
Yip, had that done last summer and it made a massive difference. Best thing I've ever had done to a bike, by a long way! I barely recognised the bike afterwards - in a good way. I just fancy having a tinker with the ride height to see what happens to turn-in etc. Plus I'd like to be sure it's right when I do adjust the chain. Although it's needed next to no adjustment so far in 7000 miles.
No worries, i didnt really read your thread right, but its all clear now :Watching: Forget i ever said anything.....:Spam: Good luck with it
Is the ride height adjuster purely for handling adjustments or is it at all useful for a short arse who needs a lower seat height... Without compromising the handling?
Ok. Some more info. Went out to the bike tonight and it was sitting at 790mm to the lowest part of the seat. I had a look at the adjuster and it seemed as of the locknuts were a little loose so I reckon it's been loving over the last couple of months as the seat was definitely feeling lower to me - backed up by the measurements I took. I added 2.5 turns onto the adjuster and it's now at 810mm. So I'll try that out. My big worry - does / will this affect the suspension settings? I liked it as it was but the fact the seat seemed lower was strange so I wanted to investigate it. I'm heading out tonight for a good run so I guess I'll see how it goes! Andy
Right, a wee update. Rode the bike on a mixture of roads last night after setting the height to what I thought was 810mm, but looking at the diagram above again, my 810mm was taken to the top of the seat pad right at the tank - not the underside as is shown above. The dimension to the top of the seat before I moved it was 790mm so I thought that was 40mm "too low" compared to stock, but it turns out it was more like 50-60mm "too low" I guess. (My 40mm + the thickness of the seat pad). I didn't think I'd notice much of a difference on the road, but I did. The bike felt quite nervous even in a straight line and it seemed like the front end was a lot more remote and the feel that I've had recently (before adjusting the height) had pretty much gone. But, the bike turned in and flicked around much more quickly and I loved that part of it, however it was good enough for me before where this was concerned and I'd happily trade that responsiveness for the front-end feel that I had before. I had the bike professionally set up last year and it was working brilliantly this year so far. With the change in tyres it was pretty much perfect for me but I wanted to see what the ride height change would do. The biggest change the setup guy made was to remove a heap of preload on the rear shock, but this would raise the ride height wouldn't it? What I can't verify or check is the difference in ride height before the setup and after the setup but the removal of preload on the shock should extend it right? Meaning the ride height goes up, or have I got this the wrong way round? The thing is, I liked is as it was so I guess I should just put it back and forget about it, "if it ain't broke" and all that. It's annoying me now though as I don't understand it. I think I'll ask the suspension guy I used but I'd bet he tells me to put it back to how it was and forget it too. And he'd be right. I'm at work now so will have to look at it again tonight. Could just be a case of experimenting and if I don't prefer it, go back to the Base setting I already had of 790mm to the top of the seat pad... My head is pickled now. ead: Andy
I havn't rode an 848 but it makes sense what you have said about changing the ease of turn in. My Yamaha R1 is like that, it doesn't really want to turn until you take the load off the front wheel but then when it has turned in it's like it's on rails throught the corner as the bias is over the front wheel. I guess the ride height adjuster is making you sit over the front wheel more or less? For what it's worth I think it's a very useful thing playing with the settings as you learn a lot about the bike doing that, even if you have a bit of a nightmare in the beginning sorting it out. I did the same thing with my track/drift cars and spent a couple months with them all over the place, but once I found the right settings I was able to really improve the handling everytime I made any changes to the car, without needing to go to a black magic sorceror