899 899 Rebound Adjuster Broken??

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Metal God, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. So, I was adjusting the rebound on my 899 Showa forks last night, while trying to find the fully closed (hardest) position I encountered a lot of resistance on the right fork rebound adjuster and now it appears while backing off counterclockwise (softer) the adjuster keeps turning forever . Left fork turns in and out ok. Am thinking the rebound screw is stripped or the needle/valve is stuck?? Don't know too much about forks so worried if this is a big problem. Bike is still under warranty. Can the Showa BPF fork top caps with the adjusters be replaced separately? I couldn't find any parts online. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Anyone?? Bump..bump..

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  3. You could try a warranty claim,if it fails you could pm one of thr 899 tri options guys as they should have a set as most replace with ohlins internals, @Nicky Wilson
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  4. Thanks simmytt. Much appreciated.

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  5. If its under warranty, take it back to the dealer.
  6. Sounds like a good excuse to upgrade!....
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