899 Seat Cowl

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Mongoose, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Looking for a 899 rear seat cowl in white please.
  2. One just came up on eBay for £50
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Thanks @Miike ill check it out.
  4. Ill have one for sale by next weekend
  5. Ditto if Sams doesn’t come up I’ve a white one sitting here that’s also matte venture shielded
  6. If it's sensibly priced I have it.
  7. Ok ill message you before I advertise it:upyeah:
  8. Thank you. Please pm me with your kindest price. Not sure where you are in the uk but I'm in Essex so may possibly need it posting.
  9. Thank you. Will need it posted please as I'm im donwn here in rainy Essex. I assume it's in good nick ?
  10. Yep in great condition, postage will be included in price I think, i will have a dp race seat too if you're interested?
  11. Already have one mate but thanks anyway. The only other thing I'm after is a taller (not double bubble) screen.
  12. Already have one mate but thanks anyway. The only other thing I'm after is a taller (not double bubble) screen.
  13. Don't have one of those im afraid
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