899 899 Throttle Stuck Open

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by burndownthediscos, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. I'm very happy to still be alive. Yesterday morning the throttle stuck open on my 899. I had just left for work and was approaching a series of bends in 4th. When I rolled off and braked the throttle didn't shut off and the revs continued to climb. Without going into the Ins and outs of it I made it round the corner and thank god the roads were empty.

    Pulling in the clutch didn't cut drive which scared the living shit out of me. After getting round I was off throttle and holding in clutch and braking gently as engine was still revving. I managed to somehow switch the map and then everything calmed down. Pulled over gathered myself and called dealer.

    If your panigale presents any of these symptoms please call your dealer:

    Bike idling slightly higher than normal at start and after setting off in first they fall slowly when rolling off. Yesterday morning I noticed they never fell beneath 2k as I set off. I stupidly assumed it was the stepper motor increasing revs as it was cold. 8 degrees.

    When learning left or right the throttle feels hesitant almost like fuel starvation. You will know it if it happens. It feels like the throttle has gone from race to wet mode.

    Will post the outcome as I don't want anyone to have to experience what I did yesterday morning.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  2. Wow. Glad to hear you are ok after the scary experience. I remember reading about similar throttle issues on the 899 U.S. Forum. Do a google search. Whatever the reason, throttles should always fail- safe, which means it should always lose revs rather than revs rise. I honestly hope Ducati fix the issues by a recall even if it's isolated as the consequences can be too much as you nearly experienced. Keep us posted please and down a couple of beers. [emoji37]
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  3. This a common thing!?

    Glad you're okay mate!
  4. thats scary !

    wasnt there a thread here a while ago about 899's running on ? It was failry extensive and I think someone from the US also had the issue...
  5. Just to update they know the exact problem but are having issues identifying the cause.

    Will update when a resolution is found even as if it means me not keeping the bike.
  6. :Wideyed:
  7. Have you disclosed any government documents to wiki-leaks or whistle-blower organizations of late? Did you know Micheal Hastings..

    Been serious; if i pull in the clutch & nothing happened I'd return the bike too the dealer & never wish to see the bike again.
  8. No but he caught his missus with the dealers head of service [emoji15]

    In the age of fly by wire, your clutch should always be a completely fail safe item. If they play around with that too much, the chance of it ending in tears will always be greater.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Serious... shit... Inexcusable... combination of fly by wire and synthetic slipper clutch both failing at the same time. If that was my bike and still in warranty period they could have it back. Sounds like a software issue? If it a sensor then fail safe software should aid on the side of caution... I've never looked in the exact details of fly by wire throttles. This is not the first time that I've heard of an issue such as this. I guessing that there should be more than one throttle position sensor; but possibly not??
  10. I've heard of issues with faulty gear position sensors but as said above lets just see what happens. There are multiple fail safes on the bike, which I think it's why is is such a rare case, whatever happened must have tricked all of the sensors into miss reading
  11. Holy crap. Glad you're ok, the must have been some scary sh*t!
  12. Have to say the dealers have been amazing throughout. Got the scrambler icon for today and tomorrow its a good laugh.
  13. For those seeing you riding it?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. I would factor beard oil into any our purchasing decision.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Do you have an update ? Have they figured out/rectified the problem?
  16. They thought they had but they didn't as it stuck again. Clutch worked this time and kill switch

    Bike has gone will update when process of rejection is complete.
    #16 burndownthediscos, Oct 10, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  17. Scary bananas
  18. scary-banana.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  19. Unsettling news.
  20. So, hearing about Laverty today I was reminded of this thread. Any news on what the hell happened?
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