900 monster clutch

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by billy, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. hi everybody this is new to me so bare with me,i have a 900ss 1997 had to change the engine so bought a 900monster engine when i changed the friction plates in the clutch i went by the manual but the setup was different when i took it to bits,it had three plain plates then a friction plate then plain and so on until i got to the end i found that i had two plates left one friction and one plane plate there should be eight friction plates but only seven went in,the only way i seem to got eight friction plates in is if i take out two of the first plain plates,the clutch is working fine but i dont know if this will cause a problem,thanks.
  2. It's not actually too important how many plain plates there are as long as you don't have 2 friction plates together or a friction as the first or last plate. Originally they only had 7 plates in them with 2 plain plates at in first.

    In my 916 I'm using the sintered plates that are 0.5mm thinner and normally would have 8 in a pack but I have 9 with 10 friction plates - only one plain plate in first then alternating fricton/plain. The important thing is that the overall stack height is at 38mm (+/- 1 or 2mm). I like to use as many friction plates as possible for better wear & grip.

    I've just refitted mine and have an overall stack height of 37.5mm with 9 friction, 5 x 2mm plain plates and 5 x 1.5mm plates, works perfectly even with only 4 springs - for a lighter pull.
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  3. i think you should have two steel plates in first, then friction, steel, friction till you got none left!
    but i could be wrong...
  4. Just put a new clutch pack in my ST4s and it was two plain steels first then a friction, then the spring plate. It alternated friction/steel then till it topped out with the plain steel.

    My only issue was some CNC levers that had insufficient throw! Hence neutral was a bit of an issue till I worked it out!

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