I am restoring(yes) my 98 SS ie, and i wire stripped the tank, and the look is amazing. Is there any treatment i can apply in order to keep the bare look(except switching to aluminium)? Maybe laquer, with a previous treatment under it? How about under laquer decals? Many tanks for the input.
They do "clear coat" on bare metal cars in the U.S., but I'm not sure what it is exactly but I think it's some kind of powder coating, may be worth a Google. Dose look good I must say.
You can certainly lacquer straight to steel but the problem you have is making it fuel impervious of course. A professional painter can do this of course but if you want to do it yourself your choices are a little limited although the correct lacquer is available in Aerosol but I have yet to try it Aerosol 2k/2 Pack Clear Lacquer Fan Spray Hi Build Hi Gloss Smart Repair 400ml | eBay there is a phone number included in above link which you could use to confirm whether their product is truly fuel resistant
Sorry to the OP, but I think it will look awful, and the slightest chip of the lacquer will soon cause rust creep under it, so it will look even worse.
I want to give the buke that old pantah look, but alliminum tanks are expensive, and the shape of the pre 98 is alright. I don't want to try a silver paint, as it will not fall as nice as hand polished, battle bruised bare metal. If i wanted a new bike, i would just get one