900ss Side Stand Mod

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by chizel, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. more help needed!
    I've been looking for a plate that will stop the side stand springing back so as I can easily put the stand down before dismounting. Can't find one.
    it's a pita at the best of times but with the luggage on it's a nightmare as I have to balance on my still dodgy as fuck foot and try and swing my leg over without it getting caught. Anyone know where I can find one or another ( sensible) solution?
  2. Cut the projection of the side stand bolt so that the plate clears it. There should still be enough of the hex socket left to undo the bolt.
  3. or replace it with one with a smaller head?
  4. funnily enough when I googled it, a thread on another forum popped up and it was you! I was hoping you'd see this as I couldn't quite get what was meant but kinda do now.
  5. Jeez! I must be famous ;)
  6. something like that! But certainly helpfull if it works!
  7. Its a few years now since I had a 900SS but, as you suggest, a bolt with a lower profile head should do the trick. Possibly one with a button head. At one time you could buy a different plate for the top of the spring with a dog leg that cleared the spring but I haven't seen them for years. Mind you since I haven't needed one I haven't been looking :)
  8. I had one on my old ss 12 years back but haven't been able to find one this time round. I will give you idea a shot. :upyeah:
  9. Cut off most of the nut thingy projection until it is down to about 2mm high, then round off the circumference of that projection.

    Then file two flats; one opposite the other on the outside of the nut thingy, so you can use an open end spanner on it.....make the flats about 2.5mm - 3mm deep at the most.

    The nut thingy doesn't need to be overtight - you can Loctite it or actually you can wire it if you are handy with a 1mm drill bit.

    How do I know this? Because I did it on mine.

    I also made three stainless spring plates up so they missed the projecting bit of the nut thingy, but stuck with the first idea.
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  10. I've seen you mention this before but couldn't find the thread. I will give it a shot, thanks dude
  11. Like this - before I lockwired it.

    Lockwiring involved driling a 1.0mm transverse hole across the nut thingy - you have to start off straight, and then keep angling the drillbit down lower, then do it again about 6mm away and hope the two holes line up (mine did because I'm clever) then you do another hole across that bottom corner of the stand stop lug (below the switch). then wire the nut and the lug.

  12. Chizel,
    I think Brancato Engineering (01865 891203) used to do a stainless steel plate that did what you are looking for. Don't know it its still available.

    Mr Bimble.
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  13. Try Mdina Italia they sell the plate £13 I fitted one years ago works well,just remember to flip up before pulling away.
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  14. Easy enough to make from some 2mm thick stainless steel - what you do is keep the spring hole position and the hanging hole position and shape in exactly the same places when you mark them on the stainless steel, but also make a thin card template which you press onto the centre of the nut thingy and the spring and hanging points - the idea is to get a reverse 'C' shape with a longer bottom 'leg' almost as though it is a reverse 'G'.

    I'll see if I still have my template somewhere.
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