900ssie Clutch Master Cylinder Seals

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Fwarrs, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Hi folks

    I'm thinking my clutch master seals have given up.
    Are these available anywhere?, a quick search didnt show anything up.
    Any thoughts welcome.
  2. Seals aren't available for these later slave cylinders. Most people replace them with aftermarket such as Oberon.
  3. I've just had a similar incident with the master on my carby 900ss. Ended up unbolting the slave and working them back and forth a few times so they're not under load, then bled it all up. It seems to be working as it should again hopefully it stays that way as a new master is £150 from Ducati.
  4. But only around £90 from Oberon for a better quality part with a lifetime warranty and that will reduce the clutch pull...
  5. That's for the slave isn't it the OP needs a master.
  6. Oops got my slave n' master relationship wrong - Must have a word with the Mrs... :Bag:
  7. True enough, I wasn't paying attention. You can get seals for the earlier coffin type master cylinders from KTM. I'm not sure if KTM use the remote reservoir masters on any of their models but if the cylinders are the same diameter (13mm I think) the earlier seals will probably fit.
  8. Thanks for all the replies, it does sound like a new one is needed.
    I'll try a strip and clean as suggested before I break the credit card out!!
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