916 748

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Davyd, Apr 13, 2023.

  1. Any of you guys have a set of original mat black FAR mirrors for sale. Please let me know.
  2. Hi Davy, you can still get these new on eBay from Italy, I got a set last month.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. I've got a pair, but horrible feeling they've been painted yellow, I'll check tomorrow if you're interested
  4. Yes I know I can buy new ones. Just thought some of the guys might have a set that’s no longer needed.
    Thanks Ivor but might be best to get a set which haven’t been painted.
  5. They are yellow, sorry
  6. No worries Ivor Thanks for looking.
  7. i have pair reds or blacks
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