916 Screen

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Hedge, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. The 98 SPS I've just bought has a tinted bubble screen. I'd like an original. Please let me know if you have a suitable one.

  2. I believe they are still available from your friendly Ducati dealer. Failing that, set your eBay region settings to Italy and type Ducati 916 Plexiglass into search. Plenty of OEM screens coming up.
  3. Oh, thank you. I just assumed they were NLA.

    Once again, thanks for the advice.

  4. NLA, so it's off to eBay for me. Might stick a call into a few dealers/ indies to see if they've one sitting on the shelf, by chance.

  5. 100 pounds postage from Italy....
  6. Yep, that's what I'm seeing, too. Might leave it until I know someone who's going out there - or I do.

  7. Write to the guy from desmo market and ask him direct. I bought quite a bit of him over the years and I paid 20 euro postage max. Mind you, could be one of the Brexit benefits you're seeing applied.
  8. I am going to Mugello/Misano in August..... happy to bring one back for you.
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  9. What a generous person you are with that wonderful offer.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Brilliant. Barely a month on here & I've been scammed by someone who DM'd me. Only 125 quid but still grates.

    Is there a procedure I follow to alert Admins or summat? Feel like a right mug.

  11. Defo take you up on this, thanks.

  12. Oh dear, sorry to hear that. I've bought two bikes off forum members and various other bits.
    Post the scammers name so others can be made aware.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. That's not on... name and shame. We all do a fair bit with each other and it's a forum where trust counts for a lot.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. This is what I received from someone called "CGT878":

    "Hey mate contact David he has one in excellent condition and he's willing to sale at a fair price. PM him"

    Live & learn, spose.

  15. @El Toro
  16. Hi hedge

    Yes you can contact myself and @El Toro

    Anyone that approaches you via DM always check their profile see how many posts they have when they joined if it's recent and no posts then think twice about parting with anything if they have no posts or very few posts and what they are posting about

    You could put up a post and ask others if they have had dealings with the person DM you
    If at all you feel that your being scammed or not sure you can "start a conversation" with us.

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  17. If it makes you feel any better, cgt878 and his "friend" David had me for 35 quid as well. Reading back through my emails to his friend "David" I could have been a bit more alert, but for me, the Forum is a high trust medium.

    Not any more, maximum threat level, like anywhere else.
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  18. Just had another potential scammer:"pelican".

    He/she's a wrong'un. Block/ ignore.

  19. Scammers beware we are watching you
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