I think I'm going to go down the route of putting 1098 front end into my 996/1098 hybrid. I would eventually like to put abs/tc on it when funds allow. Will the original loom(1098) allow me to retrofit the front wheel sensor and t/c ecu at a later date and will the forks allow me to fit the a speed sensor mount to the forks? I realise I will have to change the discs, but will standard calipers work also? Cheers
You will need a 1198 loom 1098 dosent have dtc your calipers should be fine its a metal mounting plate on the caliper bolts for the dtc sensor i think
Why not? I have only had one track day, which I enjoyed, but was conscious of not wanting to stuff my bike. I do road. Sp's in the summer? P4 in winter. I ride all year, for fun. Plus, if I'm going to change the forks, I may as well embace technology. I don't intend selling this bike EVER.!! After riding a 899 and a 1199 back to back for an hour a piece, I realised that it wasn't worth over ten grand more than my 996. I thought the 899 was gutless,flat and peaky(like a 600) and handles like a 08 blade. Uninvolving, innocuous and competently compliant. The 1199 may be worth the money. Utterly ballistic, I smiled for and hour and weeks after I dined on the memory. Amazing.! On both, the quick shifter was phenomenal, the abs kicked in very early, and November test rides with sp tyres anonymous the best. Ps. High sided coming oit of my drive at 5mph on freshly salted road. T/c would have sorted that, and abs is handy in cold conditions, stops you from underbraking.
I wasnt being grumpy Densel, just questioning the the ABS requirement. I see no harm in TC, in fact I will get it sorted on my 1198/748 one day.
I understand dear fellow. My own money pit is still not finished. Aluminium race tank I got a few weeks ago is off for paint. I am still lokkng around for a a good condition brembo clutch radial m/c and the corse shock I juist got needs a service / revlve and spring for my lard arse. The nemesis TC is proving problamatical with current configuration of the loom and I still hanker after a full inconel exhaust system and I fancy re fabbing the airbox. And mine's an award winner. Perceive old chap, it will make you proud. Never mind the search for 15mm off set discs (10mm offset hpk's would suffice maybe)
An y tips on the airbox. I'm thinking of using the base of the 1098 airbox to mate with the airbox from 996. I'm not flipping my throttle and the t/b link rod only needs minor mods to not foul. I'm thinking of using duct tape to make a bed to pit the fibreglass on. Anything to look out for? Not concerned about de lamination.
I had an aluminum airbox bottom as part of a deal. If I was to make one I would go down your route. Flipping the linkage was the only way to fit TB's on my shallow v frame. And then I had to mod the airbox bottom again with a channel to run the linkage in. Not flipping easiest but its a pain taking TB's off for any work dont forget.
anyone have set of throttle bodies not on bike? What is the distance between centres? I am going to buy some carbon sheet and dispose of the meccano piece in between by making a carbon plate. I just need basic dimension so I can buy (sorry to desnel for going off on a tangent)
No 1*98 loom can handle ABS. You will need all the loom, dash, abs pick up rings, abs pump, sensors, handle bar controls, brake lines etc. from a 1199 etc.
Mate I think you're funny as fuck and great here, but man, if the guy wants ABS leave him to it. You don't want it, see the need for it, etc, but that's you. If this guy feels more comfortable with it then let him have at it eh? Nothing wrong with that eh? Like you or I are turning in current MotoGP times? Nah, me neither. Just sayin eh... Not trying to start a war (at all).