Just bought a bike I was originally looking for (748R) and I really can't keep both, so will have to part with my 996 2000 ducati 996 bp. 13941 miles. Mot to 28th July 2018. 50mm termis. Carbon airbox, hugger, mudguard. Hyperpro rear shock. Solo seat. (Aftermarket job) All standard bip bits included. Nose cone fairing not original, but looks ok. Runs and rides great. Would benefit from a bit of tlc. Ideal winter project to make mint. £5500 or £4750 as a standard bip, and I will keep the goodies. More info and pics on ebay, will post a link. Located on the border at Gretna.
more info and pics here..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322655469322?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649