Wonder if any one can shed some light on a problem. Ive bought a 999s 2005 which has been in storage for a few months after a minor low slide . whowever I needed to put a new battery on as the other one was stone flat. The problem is the battrey keeps going flat for some reason. Ive took the Datool 3 alarm of completley to see if this help but no such luck. Any ideas?
I think there must be an under lying problem as it can drain quite quickly with in a few days. Ive checked the Battery terminals etc but no joy.
Have you checked the earth as its bolted to the frame,its a known weak point.Also check for any error codes also worth checking fuel pump relay as these tend to cause problems when wet, but if it starts ok thats not much help sorry.
I had the same, after replacing the battery as first protocol was better but if left for 2 or 3 days was a no go, go ride of the alarm and never had to charge the battery again not even after 2 weeks without charge still fires up with no problem. Oh forgot to mention I also had a datatool 3 System fitted Just get rid of it, bikes and alarms is nothing but trouble
Take the earth lead off the battery, then place a 2w bulb between the battery lead and the battery. If the bulb is glowing you have a drain. It could be one of the relays has got water in and shorting out. But if the bulb is glowing then you start removing fuses and relays one at a time till it extinguishers, then you know what circuit you are looking at. Good luck, hope this helps.
While we're on the subject: my 999 battery was pretty flat after the winter so gave it a good charge, since when bike has started happily when asked. I had to put the clock to the correct time once I had charged the bike and it stayed fine after this. But the odd thing is that last week, it was reading a totally wrong time. Seeing as I haven't had the battery out, and the bike has been starting happily, why did the clock go wrong? I've put it right today. Is this some sign of a battery on its way out?
I've had my 999 reset its time clock as well. I cannot pin it down to anything definite but my best guess is that it happened around the time I really struggled to start the bike when the weather was quite cold. It could be that I temporarily over-taxed the battery to the extent that the clock's current was compromised. I use an Optimate-type battery conditioner. My batteries seem to last a lot, lot longer than they did before.
If the voltage drops enough the cluster will shut down due to low voltage and cause the clock to reset, it will still start, just, but also doesn't help the 749/999 runs a bus system (to reduce number of wires) so if the bus signal/voltage drops will cause all sort of faults with cluster etc I read on the 749 workshop manual that it shouldnt be always on optimiser and instead the battery should be fully charged with a normal charger as and when or regurlaly and a certain charge rate. If you do have a battery drain the optimiser will only hide it, my alarm was draining the battery as as soon I didn't plug it in an left the bike for more than 2/3 days that's was it wouldn't start. So I got rid of the alarm new battery and now leave it for 2 weeks without charging and starts every time
i have a similar problem to the op after 2 days of none use but occasionaly struggles to start from cold. think the battery is naff as was sat for a while at the dealers. leading on from this its in for belt changes next week and was wondering if there is a btter battery that can be fitted with better cold cranking or is the standard fit fine if kept charged??
I really can't complain about my battery. Bike sits in an unheated garage for months during the winter and it is lucky if i charge it up a couple of times during that time. It often goes a couple of weeks or so during the season without use (too much gardening). But the battery stands up OK. Bike is 6 years old and on its second battery. But the first suffered because i was out of the country for long periods and the bike was only getting very occasional use. Bike pretty much always just fires up. I can't tell you what battery I now have. Would have to look but not aware that it's a special one. I don't have an Optimate. No electrics in garage and running a power cable is a faff.
That would be my feeling, but I have always been crap at electricity. No doubt someone more knowledgeable will say the exact opposite.