I have a tad to much oil in my engine due to me not paying to much attention to what I should have been doing. Can this be removed with the syringe and pipe method through the filler point on this engine?
It's what I'd do can see no reason why not Wait to see what the 999 Gnu's say, but I'll be very surprised if the answer isn't go ahead
just whip the drain plug out...or, get one of these.... Oil drain valves - Bleeding brakes - simply intelligent oil change, leakfree disconnect lines! Our solution: The stahlbus Bleeder Valve, the stahlbus Oil drain valve and the stahlbus Quick disconnect coupling. Got one on my hyper and on my z1ooo - never have to take the drain plug out again...just a simple bayonet connection to drain the oil....
but then you don't get to see all the nail clippings, etc on the little magnet and miss out on all that worry and stress.