A fine actor passes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. I grew up watching many of his films. RIP
  2. Rip awesome in lawrence of arabia
  3. great actor. he was as colourful and in many cases more colourful that the people he portrayed.
  4. Few people have ever been more colourful than T E Lawrence.
  5. :rolleyes:
    :frown: Rip Mr O'Toole , thought he was older than that though.
  6. Any of you seen him in Rogue Male ? Well worth watching.
  7. We don't pass, we die.

  8. I passed something today. Smelt like it had died.
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  9. Bound to happen really. He's been 'dead' for the last twenty years. Should be remembered for a whole lot more than just Larry of Arabia thou
  10. murphy's war. superb movie.
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  11. I think you've ambled by mistake into the ' Andre villas-boas half time team talk' discussion thread. It's back down the corridor, third room on the left

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  12. True and a quote which TE would have been likely to have penned himself.
  13. Saw him in Macbeth 30 years ago in Coventry with my Father. POT did the whole performance pissed as a fart, he was terrible!
  14. Who is Andre villas-boas ?
  15. He was probably lucky to get to 81 and it explains why he never achieved the potential he showed as a young man.
  16. Very lazy John, do your research before posting.

    Some French bloke has started to build a time share in the Portuguese resort of Boas.
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