I got baby monster in November last year, partially in boxes. Put it together within a week or so and started using. Except first few baby problems, basically all sorted now, it is bullet proof. I put petrol and go (literally no cleaning and such). In end of March had to change tyres so had it done at XXX. Last 2 weeks when going to work or just for fun rear end felt funny, it was very unstable when tipping in and braking or mid corner, sometimes left, sometimes right. Last week it felt like rear end is sliding about so had a look and noticed chain is loose (was fine when left tyre shop). Ok 2 days later after spotting chain loose I go about to my garage to adjust it and to my horror I could un-do rear wheel nut by hand!!!!! Bloody tyre shop did not torque it up!!! After correcting the rear end I go about the front as they also touched that. Right side pinch bolt missing, other one in place. All replaced, checked torque on main bolt about half of what it should be!! So now front torqued up to 64Nm as that is what I found on net for front. Rear to 72 but some places say 83 so might pop in and do it up tad more just in case. Lesson learned yet again, double check what others are doing to your bike.
I was in Sainsbury's the other day and I dropped a jar of jam. And I'm glad I did. Upon closer inspection I noticed some nutter had filled it with shards of glass! There are some damaged people out there, let me tell you.....
I just thought it was the way you rode Lucas??? Anyway in Poland you don't use spanners.................just HAMMERS:Banghead:
It could be worse, Lucasz. The tyre shop could have over-tightened them and cracked the castings, or stripped the threads ...
I feel that there is a time to name and shame. You could just do an honest review of the shop, a bit like a restaurant review. I'm very unlikely to buy a tyre from them (whoever it is) but some other people might not be so lucky and potentially die.
It would be a baby that you had to assemble yourself, with not quite all the right bits for a proper build.
That's what you get with cheap fitting matey!better paying a tender more for a properly done job. Mind you Luca I'm surprised your new bike lasted to a tyre change,things are looking up,lol
Fingers crossed they are it keeps on going since oil change did not have to add any oil so not using it (well not in last 2k miles). Does not stall and idles at 800rpm.