A lovely bike but...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by srad34, May 29, 2013.

  1. #1 srad34, May 29, 2013
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
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  2. dream on baby..

    although, i have noticed prices for the 9** and 748 seem to be on the up...i guess theyre getting rarer by the day.
  3. I think someone has been smoking something.
  4. I think he's trying to get back what he's spent................... with a bit of profit.

    Doesn't always work that way though does it.
  5. Maybe £4.5k tops but -£1K for the engine swap! You can get 749R's from around £5.5
  6. Those graphics are wrong on 748 series. Race reps with different period graphics to the bike model look stupid imho.
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  7. Where?
  8. the bike in the advert is a 1997 the 748s did not go on sale untill 2000 and came with 5 spoke wheels and an adjustible headstock if he wants 7 grand for a bike he should know what model is selling
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