Aa / Green Flag / Rac?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ian, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. I've spent a little time on various search engines this afternoon, prompted by a thread on another vehicle based forum.
    I've been with the AA for a few years now, and pay by DD. It's slowly crept up during the time ive been with them. The first thing my Google research has shown up is that such company has no belief in trying to keep customers - or they assume Ill just keep auto renewing for ease. It's cheaper as a new customer - much like insurance I suspect.
    Also if I get a personal rather than a vehicle policy (4 bikes, 2 cars, regular use of another 2 and 1) they ask for my vehicle details, if I name the (2012) 1198 it's cheaper than the (1990) zzr. As I'm still 'covered' on both either way, im not sure this makes sense - I assume they ask to judge the main vehicle. I'm thinking it may be worthwhile calling them to check if there's age restrictions if I use the newer bike as the details (it's named as primary vehicle on my insurance, for obvious reasons)?
    Had the AA not played 'Pass the parcel' with me resulting in a two and a half hour wait at Lancaster Setvices between recovery vehicles I probably wouldn't be too fussed, but that seemed a tad extreme!

    Ps they also asked for engine size. Wonder if I would have been better naming my (2011) 125!!
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