Abolish M/c Road Tax

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ymfb, May 23, 2014.

  1. Spotted this on the ServWessex forum. I have signed and I'm passing it on and ask that you do the same.

    "Hi Guys I have started an E petition to try and get the govenment to review or abolish road tax for motorcycles. I would be grateful if you could review and sign if you agree and pass on. Would be nice if bikes got the same consideration as cars do on zero road tax."

    " epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/65347 "
  2. Here we go again......
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. My r1 only cost £70 odd per year. This is going to f*** me.
  4. This is the third time this idiotic piece of drivel has come up.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  5. It's not "Road tax". It's a "Vehicle tax". It's just a way of getting revenue, and as the government is still spending far more money than it receives in tax, why on earth would it consider reducing tax for motorcyclists?
  6. Anything that encourages more people to swap cars for motorcycles or scooters reduces the cost of expanding and maintaining the road system as well as reducing congestion.

    But if you are too tired, fatigued or disillusioned to bother or happy to pay then don't bother to sign the petition. personally I pay 3 lots for bikes plus a camper can and the wife's car, I can only ride one bike at a time and I'm not causing congestion or wearing out the infrastructure when I do, so I have signed it.
  7. camper van..................:Watching:
  8. they do if you wait until they are 40 years old, early bevel drives are now exempt road tax

    back in the real world I only tax my ducati 6 months each year and whilst its a bill I would rather not have to pay there are more important things I could expend energy into than a e petition that is a non starter
  9. takes longer to write a negate than put a tick in a box.
  10. I think its called social interaction
  11. I don't understand what you just said? Text it to me?
  12. It's a VW T5 180 PS, in Red. Faster than most family cars
  13. There are literally hundreds of e-petitions calling for a stop to tax for bikes, and all of them are poorly worded drivel.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. its a camper van....
  15. Zero tax for electric / low emission vehicles won't last. As soon as they are more numerous a charge will be introduced. They chew up tarmac the same as a gas guzzler.

  16. Perhaps an e- petition should be started calling for a ban on poorly worded e-petitions and idiotic drivel......
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