Acf50 - What Will Wash It Off?

Discussion in 'Detailing and cleaning' started by freshage, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. Recently fully treated the bike (properly, air compressor etc) and then did a 4.5k km trip on it and now she's all filthy, I normally just leave it over winter but I'd like to give it a quick clean just to remove a bunch of the motorway crud and dead flies.

    Just wondering what level will wash it off? Basic soap? Or only will a degreaser remove it?
  2. No idea what gets it off, only used it once, every bit of road crap/ debris sticks too it like shit to a blanket.
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  3. Whatever you wash the bike with some of the Acf50 will also be washed off. Just clean it and reapply after.
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  4. This. It was designed for aircraft originally and that's exactly what they do on planes. It will 'spread and creep' if you put it on in an ultra thin layer and get into the places it needs to go and drive water out.
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  5. ACF50 is just a light oil.. it's really not that complicated. it will wash off over time or any solvent/degreaser will remove it
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  6. It’s a con. I’ve had a few bikes treated, they all showed signs of corrosion. Spray FS365 before a salty ride, wash the bike if it gets wet while you’re out, don’t if it doesn’t, and it’ll be fine.
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  7. It’s not a con it’s just it’s being sold as a wonder drug by certain people, it was developed for aviation electrical systems and nothing else. I’ve used it for years and It works very well sealing bike electrical connectors and coating stuff I don’t want wet but if you wash your bike then it will wash off the ACF50 !
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  8. Ok, con is a strong word, but a lot of people misunderstand how it should be used. It has to be reapplied if the bike gets wet over a period of time, or if you wash the bike, but a lot of people seem to be under the impression that you can coat the bike in October, ride it all winter without washing it, and are then surprised when there is still corrosion in March.
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  9. Put it on my spoked wheels on my last bike. Once oil from the chain got on the rear wheel , it took T cut and hours of cleaning to get the spokes back to clean.
  10. Chain oil comes off really easy with Mr Sheen Original and a microfibre cloth it you let it dwell for a few minutes.
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  11. I just use White Spirit for oil on a bike
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  12. I use a Screwfix general degreaser in a spray bottle for ACF-50, Muc Off HCB1 and whatever else is needed. It's cheap (for 5 litres) and effective.

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  13. Naptha is just ‘thin petrol’ isn’t it? We used to use it for our cookers in Norway, I know it flows well and boy does it burn, I saw many a tent turn into a fireball in my time over there.
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  14. Cool, thanks everyone, I think I'll just give the bike a spray down then to remove crud but not the ACF50. I'll do a proper wash once the salt stops getting spread
  15. If you get salt deposits on your bike, then not much will beat a demineralised water wash of your bike to initially dissolve them. ACF50 works well but it also attracts and retains dirt like it's going out of fashion and adds stiction to debris that would otherwise not attach itself to the bike, especially in small crevices, typically found on engine casings/castings. I used it once and hated it. Made cleaning the bike after a ride twice as much work. I currently use a foam lance, DM rinse, water soluble degreaser, DM wash, then a blower. On any electrical connections I use dialectric grease which is brilliant at repelling moisture and additionally for any of the critical connectors, I typically avoid them as much as possible with any liquid and/or bag them first. Never had a problem with this method over the years apart from one connector on the ignition relay of my 1098 some years back. For chain wax/oil deposits, WD40 on a cloth works every time. I don't doubt ACF50's ability to stave off the onset of corrosion, however bikes are by their nature a total PIA to maintain in terms of their condition/finish and ultimately there is no match for inevitably time consuming regular care and a good cleaning regime, regardless of what you spray on them.
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  16. Inhalation of naphthalene may cause skin and eye irritation; gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea; neurologic symptoms, such as confusion, excitement, and convulsions; renal problems, such as acute renal shutdown; and hematologic features, such as icterus and severe anemia
  17. so its just thinned down petrol then.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Naphtha and naphthalene are not the same thing.
  19. Apologies - you are correct, they are not the same. It’s a very long time since I studied chemistry. ☹️
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