Today I had my first session of acupuncture specifically to alleviate the pain I have with my illness.I do feel a lot better after the session and I'm looking forward to see what I feel like when I wake up tomorrow.If good I will have a spin out on the lovely red one.
Fibromyalgia-a tricky little bastard that screws your central nervous system and causes all sorts of problems with the way your body reacts to almost everything.The only cure known is to buy more motorbikes,especially red ones from Italy.
I feel for you I'm going through diagnosis .. So far Psoratic arthritis , but not sure as I don't get much skin problems .. My joints and tendons hurt like hell. Tried god knows how many meds all with horrible side effects. I also get severe migraines that hospitalise me . Trying to get neurology to do anything I tried acupuncture for that but it set me off. I feel for you as I have a good day then a day where I can't do much apart from try and hold down my job . I wish I could afford to go private. I was hospitalised a couple weeks back and after 3 days of being told neurology would pop round as I was in constant pain and being given mainly paracetomol. I had to discharge myself and go private to get pain relief. I was left for 12 days in agony given meds that take months to work and no pain relief that worked for 12 days despite begging . I ended up going to a private clinic which is £150 a shot but worked. I hope your getting treated better then I am feel for you the pains miserable.
Many thanks for your kind words.I am so sorry that you have so much to put up with.Most GP's are at a loss in treating us,mainly because they have yet to figure out what is going on.Medications are usually ones used for other conditions because no meds exist to specifically treat the condition.Reactions and side effects are pretty bad. I sincerely hope you find something helpful and you get more good days.In the meantime I send you a big and gentle hug.
Thankyou.I hope to get out for a spin,just not looking forward to getting all the gear on in this weather.
I hope you get out for a spin Im off everything at the moment and my head feels clear for once , the brain fog is the worst I hope the needles work for you Id be happy with a firm diagnosis to be fair .My joints dont swell but my tendons ouch!!!.. somedays Im good the next day im crawling up stairs ... ( not the beer ). Ive not had booze for ages or pain pills on a detox ... i feel better just um bored....
Well I've just got back from a spin-just starting to get a bit hot now.Quite optimistic today as I feel relatively good.The only thing I would like is one of those Wallace and Gromit contraptions to get me in and out of the leathers.:smile:
Glad you are having a good day and feeling better.I don't touch much alcohol these days and the brain fog is something else to put up with,eh.My son calls my illness fruit and fibro-makes me laugh.It took a very log time for me to get a diagnosis and now it seems obvious.Take care.
It seems to be pretty effective at easing things up - my elbow gets stabbed as part of the monthly running repairs with the chiropractor which makes it vaguely functional again.
Has been a pretty good week by my standards.I went for my 2nd pain treatment today and will be hoping for a further improvement.Suffering from severe leakage at the moment-I counted 40 needles were dotted about my torso
Good luck with the treatment, if as a result you get out on the "red one" it must be working. Long may it continue for you.
Had it a couple of times, very painful as muscles had locked up having been in cast for months, but boy did it work at freeing them up! Good luck
Today I went for the record and ended up with 65 needles inserted.I am still optimistic about the treatment and am looking forward to my next ride,should be tomorrow. Feeling quite good at the moment but I still have my scheduled exercises to do and that makes me a bit creaky
Well I had some more pins in today to try and sort out the head,neck and shoulder pain.Feeling good this evening and hoping I can play motorbikes tomorrow.Would like to do a little bit more on the triton and get it nearer to being started up.If weather is good I might go for a little ride instead.
Another session with the acupuncturist today,I am still feeling pretty good,and my good days are getting more frequent.Keeping fingers crossed that it's not a flash in the pan.I am at the stage where one of the drugs I have been on can be dropped tonight-I have been on a reducing dose for the last three weeks to cut down on any withdrawal symptons.