Hi, First Ducati and I see from youtube that I need a special C Spanner to adjust the chain on single sided swingarms. Whats the best place to get one of these spanners other than official Ducati one Cheers Kwack
eBay... I got mine for about £10-15 (it's for 1098 tho, I'm not sure if it's the same for the Panigale).
ebays ur best bet..while ur down there check the cush rubbers on the sprocket carrier arnt coming away from theyr fixings..if they are theyll chew the hub
The C-spanner is the same as the 1098 and 1198 - I got mine from Stein Dinse @ Euro 25.00 part number 412801047 Duc Werkz. Kettensp. S4R/Hyper/M1100/1198 kurz - Stein-Dinse Online-Shop FWIW, the quoted chain freeplay (50mm / 52mm) is measured from the swingarm's aluminium section not the plastic cover. I removed the securing bolt midway along the bottom of this cover and measured its shoulder which is exactly 6mm including the bolt head. I left this bolt in situ and set bolt head to chain centre distance at 44mm/46mm (ie deducting 6mm from the quoted 50mm/52mm). The torque for the hub Pinch bolts is 40 Nm hope this helps
I should really check it myself but my dealer is only 20 mins away and always happy to make me a nice coffee while they play on the bike :biggrin:
My latter Ducatis (916, 749, 999) have only needed their chains adjusting when the service come around. Kept lubed, they seem to stay tensioned. So it only makes sense to tool up if you plan on doing your own servicing. I suppose they may have had chains tensioned when I've changed tyres but it amounts to the same thing - I haven't had to do it myself for years.
I needed to adjust my Pani chain after 380 miles - Horses for courses Glid especially as the Pani has extended service intervals. I see no point in encouraging excess wear let alone compromising safety by delaying simple chain adjustment until you get round to the usual service interval. hope this helps
SO bought a tool and to tighten the chain you have the move the hub thingy anti clockwise. Damn that thing is really tight, I could loosen but not tighten so resorted to a screwdriver and hammer...which I dont want to have to repeat. Its going in for service on 1st June so will ask them to see if they can get it freed up a bit better Kwack
If you could "adjust" it with a hammer and srewdriver, then a light tap on the end of the c-spanner with a small club hammer should have done the job which is the method I use i.e. Just let the weight of the hammer do the work and I do mean TAP not hit. FWIW, my c-spanner is long enough to almost reach the outer circumference of the tyre and therefore easy to tap without risk of damaging anything. In writing the above, I assume the hub pinch bolts have been evenly torqued in stages and NOT overtightened. Do otherwise and you can deform or even crack the hub surround. hope this helps