Adverts and cruddy polls

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. I was watching the goggle box last night when I think it was Andrex had an advert about vote on your toilet paper habits do you scrunch or fold.
    I may be an old stick in the mud but really????
    I was brought up that what goes on in the bathroom stays in the bathroom if your a girl .
    I was a bit gobsmacked .
    What next how many times do you poo a day press your buttons now !

    Vile ...
    Who answers these stupid polls anyway??? Could I be arsed to .. Nope!!!!
  2. well at least they will not be showing that add in Bagdad ,as they use there left hand:eek: , dirty basterds:biggrin:
  3. Yes I was a bit put off by the Andrex ad. They even try to put a sexy spin on it.
  4. B*gger the polls........why is it every time I get a new bog roll, they use so much glue to hold the loose end down that I lose half a roll before I can even start using it?

  5. Are you under or over :)
  6. Oh and I fold :-D

    As a kid I got told 3 sheets are enough and don't waste

    I hate toilet paper that dissolves on contact yeweee
  7. Izal or Andrex ???
    Scrunch or fold ..
    Lol .. Well first I fold into an origami swan ..

    Scrunchy Izal at school used to chaff your bottom ;)
  8. That's why I never used school toilets

    I use andrex Eco friendly :)
  9. We still use newspaper..............The Daily Mail, actually (best use for it).

  10. I hope you cut it in neat squares and hang it with rough garden twine from the out house door Al :) .

    Top tip when your finished reading your FT for an injection of glamour do as above for when guests come round .
    It will make them feel special having pink loo paper .
  11. I know sexy spin and loo paper ???
    " hey ladies great for mopping up problem bedroom spills as well ".

    That will be next !!!
  12. I knew a bird once that used auto trader ---- no don't go there!
  13. Didn't the print rub off?

    The black hole of Calcu*ta springs to mind.......

    Sorry about that.....

  14. It was quite good actually, the gag, that is :wink:
  15. I have tears rolling down my th .. Eyes !
    Oh well if I get bored I could do the cross word :)
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