Advice Ish

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ebbs73, May 29, 2020.

  1. its a strange one this , sadly connected to a divorce.

    My girlfriend is going through a long awaited divorce , not my fault .

    They are at the financial stage and he's being a massive dick , she only wants what's fair but he's hiding loads of investments and money pots .

    The biggest being 2 properties , as far as we know we believe he has 2 , his old friends and own father have said he has them.

    As we don't know the address's we can not do a land registry check .

    Could you find this from his name .

    She never knew about these or indeed his 2 marriage and 2 step children .

    It could however be bollocks but would be good to know either way .

    Seems a divorce day today

    Thank you
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