899 After Some Stats Regarding 899/1199 Rear End?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Phill748, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. I am after some factual stats on a few questions, I am sure the astute will probably guess whats going around my tiny brain and so to save anyone the bother, I know the 1199 Swingarm is heavier and I know there is no performance to be gained.... However...

    1) Does anyone know what a 1199S (Forged) rear wheel weighs with/without tyre?
    2) Does anyone know what an 899 Rear wheel weighs (with/without tyre)?
    3) Anyone know what a 1199 Swingarm weighs? and a 899 item?
    4) Are the side plates for footrests identical between the two bikes?
    5) Difference in wheelbase between 899/1199? I.E. Swingarm length difference.

    Thoughts are whether with a 'S' model rear wheel the weight difference would be negligible (bearing in mind that it's unsprung weight that will really hurt, even though the swingarm counts it's not at the end of the leverage point... Or...

    would you need to then run a Carbon BST or forged OZ wheel to even make the trade close?

    I don't need to do it, I know it's a waste of money, and I don't want to screw up the brill handling, just a little project that was kicking around in my head so wanted some info.
  2. Can help with 899 rear wheel weight!

    Standard wheel, carrier and sprocket but without tyre and disc = 10.22 Kg

    So just fitting the Oz Piega saves a little over 4 Kg unsprung weight!:)
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  3. Christ that's a LOT! Seriously tempted by a set of OZ Piega's for my bike in the next year or so, unless I do this conversion
  4. I dont know the weight but I can tell you the forged wheels are unbelievably light. They are lighter than the OZ Piega's
  5. Ah, I see, that's interesting to know. Thanks.
  6. Someone posted weights for the 1199 on another forum a while back:

    base wheels weigh 3.7 kg and 4.5 kg total 8.2 kg
    s wheels 2.7kg and 3.4 kg total 6.1kg

    and also in pounds

    199s forged and 1199 Base case wheel weights.

    1199s F Wheel = 6.8 lbs (w/ bearings, no rotors/spacers)
    1199s R Wheel = 7.8 lbs

    1199 Base F Wheel = 9.4 lbs (w/ bearings, no rotors/spacers)
    1199 Base F Wheel = 12.2 lbs

    Difference F = -2.6 lbs
    Difference R = -4.4 lbs

    Supercorsa F = 9.4 lbs
    Supercorsa R = 14.2 lbs

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