After the Radical Post how about this from the Bike Shed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Old Jock, Nov 25, 2013.

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  1. Very nice!.. Would has that in my garage!...:upyeah:
  2. I like that :upyeah:

    Ps. have you heard that Glenn Miller is missing? :wink:
  3. Tasty bike by Steve Hilary, ex DR.Desmo and Moto Rapido.
  4. Thats v nice. Would prefer single headlight but all the same that is very nice. :upyeah:
  5. That is chuffing gorgeous!
    If I was to be very picky I don’t like the way the rear wings of the fairing start to curve upwards, they should run parallel to the bottom of the tank. But putting that aside, if asked nicely I’d make room for it in my garage!
  6. Solved the bolt on head light issues...Very nice...:upyeah:
  7. Very nice, much cooler than the Radical bike.
  8. Very cool indeed.
  9. Superb...
    I always knew Dr Des was way too cool to stick around in the world of Corporate Big Business (following his hook up with Wilf at MotoRapido).
  10. Agreed that is a very pretty bike
  11. Steve H is one of the coolest guys that I have met and very engaging. Saw him at Loomis on his new Norton cafe racer this year which looks fantastic too.He is also a brilliant drag racer which did upset a few from the good 'ol US of A a few years ago on his Ducati.
  12. Think he also does flat track racing. Bet that's frickin loud.
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