AGM Battery

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Tigertim, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Thinking of getting one of these batteries for my 2011 Mutley - AGM batteries (absorbed gas mat) are supposed to handle being left idle thru the winter (yes I'm afraid I'm not an all year rider) better than conventional lead acid units. They also have a better cold cranking capacity.

    Anyone out there tried one?
  2. Yes I have the Motobat had it a couple of years now and very pleased.
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  3. Many thanks Steve, the Motobat is the very unit I'm looking at , will order it tomorrow.


  4. I understood that most modern bikes including the multi 1200 and BMW boxers had agm batteries as standard? Could be wrong as I haven't checked mine though it does seem to hold its charge for long periods of lay-up.
  5. As far I I know the standard battery is a Yuasa YT12B-BS. These are a sealed lead acid battery (also called maintenance free). They are not an AGM style.

    Here are the technical specs:

    From the U.S. Yuasa site:

    Note the metric weight :redface:
  6. Lifted the seat and that's spot on for mine, Yuasa Lead Acid conventional type batttery
  7. Further to this for people who are unnaturally interested in batteries.

    The Standard Yuasa battery is sealed so that it doesn't vent and therefore does not need topping up with water (that is the maintenance free bit). In every other way it is pretty much the old type with lead plates (that is the weight) in a liquid acid bath. You can get similar batteries called gel types that are the same chemistry but the acid is gelled to stop it leaking.

    An AGM battery simply uses the same chemistry but different plates. They tend to use a mesh that looks like fly wire in stacked plates or in a coiled cylinder. This gives a few benefits due to the robustness of the plate design and the vastly increased reactive area of the plates that means the chemistry can happen faster. They charge faster, give higher CCA (crank the bike faster) and are supposed to be tougher against vibration. The last part depends on the plate design and manufacturer.


    From a website:
    Having said all that, my original Yuasa is still going strong after 2.5 years and I look after it with a battery tender. I made it easy on myself by fitting a fused Merit socket under the right side panel and wired a merit plug to my battery tender.



    I just plug it in if I am not using the bike for a few days.

    If and when I need to replace the battery i would not go for an AGM battery. It does have some advantages BUT it still has the weight. Some of the modern types of batteries as sold by Ballistic Ballistic Lightweight Batteries - Pro Italia Motorcycles or Shorai Welcome - Shorai LFX Batteries

    They use LiFePO4 technology and pack a higher punch (2 x the CCAs) for waaaaay less weight (maybe 5kg less). They store the charge better and longer term than lead acid and suffer mainly from poor CCA when they are really cold (and I mean really cold). Not a problem here in Oz but it is not an issue if you have a heated garage or when they are cold you can simply crank the bike a few times and wait 30 seconds. The battery will heat itself and have full performance the second attempt. Seems a small price to pay. It it is cols, hit the starter before putting on your helmet. Start the bike the second go, warm the bike while putting on gloves, ride with 5kg less. Like a successful diet!

    Take care that these types of batteries may require a specific charger/tender and a lead acid charger may fry them.



  8. Changed to the motobats in both the 749 and 848 and both start a lot easier in the cold weather. Cheaper than the yuassa ones too
  9. Same battery charger as me Tim I see....great piece of kit
  10. Many thanks for the comments and suggestions guys

    TimOz (great name) I did consider the super lightweight batteries and took on board all the benefits as you described, BUT here in the North of England, sub zero morning temps are the norm Coupled with the need to change to a different style charger from the two existing Optimate units I already have and use makes such a change for a 5KG saving an expensive exercise!!

    Think I'll go for the AGM unit and try to eat fewer PIES for a while

  11. Fair enough other Tim,
    Like I said I don't have direct experience wit the LiFePO4 batteries but those US dudes that have used them say they work well.

    Just to throw another option for you into the mix. I lived in Singapore 5 years ago and rode a KTM990 Adventure. I needed a new battery (I think it had the same Yuasa as the MTS1200. I ordered a Braille battery from the US.
    Braille Battery USA &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Lighter • Stronger • Faster -
    They have "advanced" AGM batteries and I ordered it due to the design and the lighter weight. I ordered a Carbon cased battery.

    In short, they sent me the correct battery but the standard plastic case version. I emailed and the immediately apologised and sent me the correct carbon cased battery free of charge and let me keep the other so I had a backup. It worked really well; and by that I mean I never noticed it. It started the bike every time and took some serious heat and punishment riding through the Malaysian jungle. I could describe it as a standard AGM battery that was really well designed and did not skimp on materials - and yet it only cost a bit more than the equivalent Yuasa. All in all an excellent product and it should handle the cold perfectly well.
  12. AGM battery delivered and fitted

    Just have to monitor performance now
  13. sourced from any particularly good/competitive price/shop?


  14. Checked with my local dealer and they quoted £60 for replacement original unit - to be honest haven't been impressed with battery performance since bike was delivered. Debate on kill switch up position or down Remember?

    So, once I looked around for a (hopefully) better battery in terms of cold cranking performance and capacity (AH) looked on Fleabay and bought this one for £50 - here's hoping I've done the right thing else I hope it's a warm day when I'm waiting for the break down truck :)
  15. cheers!

    good luck, carry some sun cream...!!!
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