AGV Lids

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Bluestoesonnose, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Posted this on the UKMOC web site:

    Are AGV lids being withdrawn from the UK market? Everywhere I go (locally) they have limited stock and wont be getting any more!

    Seem it may be a local phenomenon (Cornwall and Devon), not a national one, what are the thoughts on here?
  2. get a shoei :biggrin:
  3. Not got a Shoei shaped head and they use those stupid pin locks and not the flip down sun visor.
  4. huh??

    no mate, get an Arai and a black visor...:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  5. I used to own an AGV but converted to Arai much better fit
  6. Moved to clothing :smile:
  7. I wonder why? I have an AGV, good fit for my head and looks great with black visor.
  8. I had an AGV xr2 for five years until some scumbag nicked it.

    The bestest, most comfy lid I ever owned. :smile:
  9. I love AGVs, they seem to fit me well. Have 2 at the moment and my first ever lid was a Barry Sheene rep AGV in about 1985.....
  10. my first ever lid was an AGV Biaggi Rep :)

    arai's always made my forehead hurt where they pressed on it and my mr punch chin stuck out of the bottom, and my bank balance could never cope with them either!

    AGV are now owned by Dainese, so perhaps something is occurring with branding or distribution?
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