Agvisor... E Tint

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by chizel, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. anyone using one of these?
    I had one for a lil over a year but manage to break it.
    really liked it though. Looking for another, they are around £150, got my last one for £99 but can't remember where from.
    also mine was only on off but Ive seen one write up the said there is 3 stages to em. As in clear, smoke and dark.
    Is this a new thing or was I not using mine correctly?
  2. Is this the leccy version that came about some 2 years ago
    I tried to demo one of these at Helmet city but AGV never obliged and i was told they couldn't get it EU approved so it eas shelved
    A great idea at the time but with so many helmets having internal visore nowadays it really isn't a hope in chance given its huge costs, but it was a good idea
  3. not sure if you are talking about the LCD visor, but have the photochromic pinlock insert on my pista which works really well
  4. im talking the lcd one. Don't know why they couldn't get it eu approved? They must have if I bought one? On yer bike in Aylesbury had a demo one.
    way cooler than the internal visor, just push the button and instant tint.
    would have liked it to have been a bit darker tint but it was first gen and perhaps the new ones have different tint levels, its hard to work out from the info I have read.
  5. well I've been looking for one and they appear to be discontinued? Or at least no one seems to have stock.
    shame as id like another even at the £150 price tag...
  6. They were approved for use but as far as I know they only made them for the Pista and GP range
  7. It's been discontinued
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