Air Conditioning folks - quick question, please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by efcbluepete, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    know there are a few of you out there, so thought I would pose a quick work related question that I have.

    the office I look after was refitted in summer 2011 and 11 brand new a/c units included, each ducted out and each with its own compressor unit outside approx 2m up. Approx 1kg of refrigerant in each unit.

    so, to the question(s):

    we we have been on a service contract since install of 2 visits per year to clean filters, check, etc. does £500 per visit sound a bit of a pisstake, and do we really need 2 visits per year?

    Thanks in anticipation,

  2. how long are they there and where do they come from.
    and my bet is they grumble like feck when there van service costs them 250 every year.
  3. Come from about 10-15 miles away, on site for about 6 hours or less (1 person only), and includes no parts.
  4. seems a bit steep to me full day including travel time. £51+vat per hour. i am 39+vat with much bigger overheads.
  5. Thanks Finm. The £500 is plus VAT, so closer to £83+vat per hour, or £62+vat if it is counted as a full 8hr day.
  6. feck me, crazy.
  7. you don't even need a annual visit by law unless each system has over 3 kgs in, you say they don't,

    £500 + vat aint to far off for a day rate for an engineer and mate, I charge 35+vat per hour, and on maintenance visits engineer + mate £50 per hour , its good to have a service if its being don't properly, clean filters, spray coil with anti bacterial spray ( legionnaires ) leak check, check electrics are tight, check running amps, heating and cooling operation etc , then I give indoor /outdoor a good clean and brush coil on outdoor,

    most companies just go in and clean filters I find, but if your doing all of above should take most of the day for 2

    most companies I know charge £400 to 500 day rate engineer and mate including travel

  8. Cheers for that Kev. Call will be made Monday to stop the visits (just had one in Sept, saw the invoice and thought "doesn't look good.")

    fair play, guy came, was pleasant and seemed to know his stuff. All done in around 6 hours total, with no apprentice or mate.

    Local firm will be contacted in Spring to do an annual to keep on top of possible legionella.
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