Aldi Head Torch

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Old rider, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. I have two fluorescent tubes in my garage and I have painted the walls white to get the light to bounce around.
    Still can't see a thing when messing with a 999 battery box though, so I bought an LED head torch for a few quid in Aldi the other day.
    What a revelation! Can actually see what I'm doing now.

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  2. 100% agree, compact affordable head torches have come on a long way in 10 years. I had to change the pedal box on an Arosa last year and honestly don't believe I could have done the job without one as space was so limited.
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  3. When I was dry lining my garage, it was usually dark during the evenings after work, I had a couple of site lights in there, but a head torch was invaluable when needing light to work in a specific spot.

    It's come in handy since for getting some light into tight spaces. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
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