Alien abductees?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Anyone watching this now on C4?

    Hilarious. :biggrin:
  2. Nah, billy Elliot ....
  3. Thought it was a chance to request people to be taken and probed. Damn.
  4. Big Bang Theory here...
  5. Not sure about flying saucers, but I can confirm that there are such things as flying plates (if I ever dare to criticise my wife's cooking)
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  6. that was the program after - Sex Toy Stories
  7. Recorded it.. Bet it's not as funny as cartman gets an anal probe
  8. Bunch of weidos and freaks...
  9. You called me lol!
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  10. I only saw the trailers for it. Funny how aliens only ever take weirdos.
    Could that be a double bluff though?
    They take weirdos because when they put them back and they tell their stories nobody believes them so they can keep doing it to their hearts content

    Nah not realy they're just weordos
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  11. If someone looking like a stretched turnip head took you, stuck a 3ft probe up yer jacksie the shape if a sharp pencil with an led eye on the end then wiggled it about a bit, I'm not sure you wouldn't become a weirdo...
  12. I think one of the victims, sorry lady's had an Alien living in her hair. Lol
  13. Yeh and then a bl***y alien comes along and does it again

    Some people are just lifes victims
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