PM considering new powers So the headline is: "Powers to stop British jihadists returning to UK - PM" The headline sounds right and proper and I would support it without a qualm. Beyond the sound byte though, they are talking about preventing people from going out "there" in the first place. This I object to. Strenuously. Once again, the politicians confuse the goal of "keeping others safe" with "keeping everyone safe". The desire, seemingly without a thought, to restrict freedoms where it is neither necessary nor desirable. If some idiot wants to go abroad to get himself shot or to blow himself up, he should be free to fly out there, get met by the local security forces and disappear into one of their black holes forever. But no, Nanny Britannia wants to restrict freedoms for all, here at home, rather than take a pragmatic view. Politicians are jamming their fingers into every personal decision and personal freedom we have. Placing obscene amounts of tax on cigarettes, forcing motorcyclists to always wear safety helmets, every kind of intervention that tells an individual that what he wants to do is unsafe to him personally and will not be tolerated. I understand that it's "all for our own good" but that is not sufficient justification for the extent in which our personal freedoms have been eroded in this country. Let a few misguided 'seholes fly out to their doom and then stop them ever returning. Personal freedom and the security of the nation are both maintained that way. Rant: 2/10.
Exactly so. If the young muslim in question cannot prove sufficiently well that he is innocently visiting relatives, he could be prevented from leaving the UK. How can this be right? (Please do not try to tell me that this is a straw man argument.)
Wouldn't it just be easier to round up the muslims, anyone under say 40, put them in a compind, say somewher remote in the middle of siberia, no food or shelter and wait for Allah to save them? Of course surrounded by minefields, wild ravernous bears and wolves, and 100ft high walls Makes about as much sense as this policy
Preventing people from leaving the country amounts to internment. Preventing them coming back if they hold dual nationality and have engaged in acts of terrorism abroad is another matter. I can't see a problem in stripping such a person of citizenship, but how do you prove it and what do you do with those who don't have dual nationality? We've run out of unclaimed wilderness unfortunately. You can't send someone into exile unless some other country is willing to take them.
Corrected for you; we don't want to imprison the bears or wolves. However we would be putting the minefield between them and an "Indian" takeaway.
You also couldn't stop a British national from returning, regardless of where they'd been or what they'd been doing, so in all it's another pretty useless additional law.
If a person has only one citizenship, British, to deprive them of that citizenship thus leaving them stateless would be contrary to a host of international treaties (not to mention English common law) - as former Attorneys-General have begun pointing out - so that option is out of the question. If a person has been arrested and bailed, they may be deprived of their passport as a bail condition, but not indefinitely. If a person has been convicted of an offence and sentenced, the sentence might include restrictions on overseas travel, but again not indefinitely. The recent announcement by the PM seems to be a proposal that British citizens who have been neither convicted nor arrested for any offence could somehow be deprived of their passports by an administrative (not judicial) action. The details have not been revealed, but on the face of it the proposal would seem to be a grotesque perversion of long-established principles of liberty. Perhaps Calais will be burdened not with immigrants or asylum-seekers but rather with native-born British citizens trying to return home yet denied entry. The French will not put up with that!
No it's what you wrote! If we did it your way the bears & wolves would be within the Minefields...not very nice for them. At least my way they'd get the occasional minced person (due to the minefield), while being free to eat Honey and Little girls wearing red coats.
Looks like our PM has been shooting from the hip for political gain, irrespective of whether what he has been proposing is deliverable or not, whatever next ?
So wha does this do? Makes us realise, more clarly than ever, what a bunch of two-faced no marks they really are And they are all the same