Also in the News,,,,,,,,,, in Southampton

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. and a barrister gets a rollicking for daring to suggest a 13 year old female is predatory>
  2. Robert Thompson and John Venables, the 10-year old boys who murdered Jamie Bulger, have been demonised. The media have not merely held them responsible for their 1993 crime but have continually denounced them as evil ever since, even 20 years later. Yet in other contexts the same media regard it as outrageous that anyone can ever suggest that a 13-year old can be "predatory", regardless of the facts.
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  3. In 1971, one of the very few football matches I went to watch was Colchester v Leeds............

    There bloody little snot-noses there, youngest of them were 11; carrying sharpened screwdrivers threating other supporters for small amounts of cash under 50p (10 shillings)........

    ...........none were actually arrested, but those that were identified were taken home to their parents for 'discipline' apparently........

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