1200 Enduro Alternative Panniers

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by psst!!!..., Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Anyone fitted the "non enduro" panniers on an Enduro 1200?

    How does the bike perform with them, specially at high speeds?
  2. You mean soft-luggage? I've ordered some from Touratech but still waiting nearly two-months now. I went to the shop in Wales too check that they fit & they didn't have the red pair in stock. Other colours are available & they are sold individually (you can ask for a discount over the phone which they usually do 5% off).

    Define high-speed..
    #2 GunZenBomZ, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017

  3. No, I meant the rigid ones OEM on the Multistrada DVT 1200. Well, similar to the Multi 950.
  4. Ignore what I wrote; Givi trekker outback is a good start.

  5. GZBZ, I thought I'd read somewhere that Touratech were in financial difficulties ?
    If you'd like me to call in and check anything, their only a couple of miles up the road from me. :)
  6. Kind offer @broke but I'm not really worried how long it takes. I've delayed all european travel plans till 2018 & found myself a lovely Russian binocular to divert attention.

    No I think they were doing a tax scam like most big companies. A bit of rebranding & internal name changes can get rid of a large tax bill it seems in this day-n-age. The gentlemans rideout did it, IAM just did it, royal mail did it. They all just change emblems it seems & can pretend it cost them £500,000.

    Many of these so called charities now do this tax avoidance scam & elevate their expenditure. And play the poor hapless not for profit ploy (which the uk government always accepts). I have found myself confronted by charity bin swinging collectors in the tesco entrance & when queried how much their CEO gets paid. A lot of them are seemingly unaware of the gargantuan 6-fucking-figure salaries they are on.

    Time is a great teacher that eventually kills all its students.
    #6 GunZenBomZ, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
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