Am I out of order?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. I went to get petrol today at a newly taken over garage in my town.
    But needed to use air machine.

    Put money in didn't work .
    So I went and asked the guy if it worked and if not for my money back ( there was no out of order sign )

    They were happily talking in English at the time .
    When I asked he rudely shrugged as if to say tough luck .. And ignored me then started talking to his make in I presume Indian.

    I asked him again well does it work or not ...
    Again carried in obviously talking about me ...
    I walked out and belted the machine to see if it would chuck my money out.

    Nope .. Then though not having this.
    Went in and said I want my £1 back and there should be an out of order sign.

    He then started on me saying I should only have put 50p in ..
    Was £1 for ten mins ... Or 50p for 5
    I had a flat and I'm rubbish with air hoses .

    So I said er no I put £1 in ..
    In the end he just continued to talk over me in Indian to his mate .. And refused to refund me .. And then gave me 50p and refused to give me anymore like I was ripping him off :(

    It wAsnt the money ...
    What angers me is I walk in they are taking to each other in English ..
    Then as soon as they are clearly talking about me swap to Indian and then from then on magically forget they speak English.
    If I was in their country its different ..
    I wouldn't dream of expecting people to talk English in front of me.

    But here ... Serving a customer ..
    Rude ignorant bastards!
    I felt like saying if you want to talk about me do it in English .. The English you spoke so well a minute ago .
    • Like Like x 7
  2. Name and shame so that we know who to avoid.
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  3. no your not out of order, that is so ignorant. some years ago my father was working in a house and when he walked into a room the owners stopped speaking English and began speaking father never said anything but packed his tools and walked out with job half completed.
  4. in fact write a letter to your local paper, name the bastards.
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  5. It doesn't sound like either party handled it particularly well.
  6. Word of mouth goes a long way, especially if you know a few gossiping locals, tell them all about it. I think what they did was disgusting, never know, you may not be the first one to have complaints about them.
  7. I asked politely about the machine .
    I asked nicely for my money back and was ignored then they held a conversation clearly about me in Indian..
    I got annoyed when he shrugged at me and then continued to speak in Indian..
    The fact he had spoken in English then switched to another language clearly so I couldn't understand him is ignorant and rude in my book.
    It was only after I tried the polite approach that I thumped the return thing on the machine as he clearly had no Intension of refunding me.
    He wAsnt going to even put out of order on it.
    Thats when I went back and said at least put out if order on it!!!!
    Then to be told I should only have put 50p in it when it says on the machine if I wanted ten mins which I did put a £1 in .
    made me not happy at all.

    I was a barmaid for years as well as sales person.
    If I'd have spoken to customer like that I'd have been sacked on the spot .

    The main thing for me was switching from English to Indian.
    which to me is the height of rudeness .

    The garage is not a chain I know and just rebadged

    Apple Garage Woodbridge Rd Ipswich.

    sadly it is the cheapest in Ipswich :( so guess they can afford to be ignorant.
    The previous staff were Polish cheerful and nice mannerd.
    I am a bit of a twat with manners.

    I believe in please , thank you and holding doors open and stuff.
    Manners cost nothing.
    I hate rudeness more then anything.
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  8. maybe you shouldn't have "belted" the machine in view of the cashier ?

    Couldn't you have borrowed a jcb and removed the offending air machine in the dead of night ?
  9. It's a bit sad that they have those paying air machines in British garages. I always get surprised when I have to use one.
    Air is free here (who said Switzerland is expensive?) and many garages have those handy portable air machines that fill back up with air when you put them back on the pipe thing.

    A couple of weeks ago I checked my tyres in Didcot and forgot the dust caps on top of the machine. Realised when I got home. Tried to ring the garage so that they could put them aside for me but it was engaged. For two solid hours. When I did go back, no dust caps, so I asked the guy if anyone had handed them in. Nope. Then I asked if their phone was working OK. Yes. Well, I said, it's been engaged for the last 2 hours. Oh, he said. Really? Must be a problem on the line.

    Yeah. Right. Bloke wasn't born and bred in Didcot, I would say. But I'm not going to get into the racist thing. It just seemed par for the course in don't-care rip-off UK plc. I wouldn't really have expected another outcome if the bloke had been born in Didcot.
  10. I have no doubt that they would say that this is their country and that you are making a racist comment!

    It’s sad but their attitude reinforces a rather unpleasant impression I have that a small but significant minority of the Asian community in Britain want to live in this country but are not prepared to live within the ethos of British society and are quite happy to take every advantage of British generosity and acceptance. It is the attitude of your garage staff that provides the excuses that truly racist people like the EDL use to justify their offensive behaviour.

    [FONT=&quot]Not sure what you can do in your case………. a call to your local EDL branch would have an interesting result but it is probably taking things a little too far over 50p[/FONT] :wink:
  11. Exactly .... If I had said excuse me but could you repeat that in English ....
    I would have been racist ..

    I just thumped the coin return slot thing to try and get my £1 back lol.
    I don't think he even saw me !

    Apple Green appears to be an Irish company ..
    no doubt they " franchise " them out.

    just shut for days for a refurb !
    which includes Subway ( poor little traditional bakery next doors going to feel that as she makes rolls and sarnies).
    Costafortune coffee and some other toot.

    So whole place got a refurb ..
    fix the dam water and air machine!

    I usually nip in BP get my Necter points :)
    Indian guys run that and you could not come across nicer chaps .
    They know me on my bike and car.
    always have a chat and lovely .

    Also another garage on A12 again several Indian chaps run and one turned out to be a Dad of a girl in my sons class.
    I broke down one night and he came out and said hi your such and such a Mum please come in.
    Help yourself to coffee , are you hungry? Please have a magazine incase you have to wait long.

    I always use that garage as well now and stop and have a chat and I wrote to the company and didn't say what he did but said he had been very kind and allowed me to wait inside and made sure I was ok and how thoughtful it was.

    I guess this lot are just rude feckers.

    It was the shrugging " so" attitude and as I say talking about me in a language I couldn't understand.
    But if I had have said anything no doubt I'd be a raving EDL supporter !

    I seriously couldn't say anything for risk of it due to my job:(
    If they had of dine that to my Scottish mother ...
    He would of had a 12 inch sub down his throat and one up his jacksy!
    Im not as volatile :)

    It wasn't even the money it was the attitude.
    I would have said " I am so sorry here is your money back and il nip out and put an " out of order" sign on it and hopefully it will be fixed soon.
    He was quite happy I think to leave it...
    His mate in the end put a sign on it.
    He probably had the key to it!
    50p your going to go oh ffs and drive off...
    Very busy garage and ten people do that a day and the machine doesn't show it's been used?
    Nice little earner !
  12. you could alway pop back some time with some super glue and some of that two part putty stuff and make sure no one else gets ripped off
  13. Frankly, I would have gotten so cross i would have had a fainting fit, pulling several display shelves (full of breakables) down as I fell.

    Not really, but it would have crossed my mind. Miserable gits.
  14. Early hours of the morning + Can of spray paint + huge letters C*NTS = Happiness
  15. No, you're definitely not out of order. That's some really appalling customer service skills :( And talking in a foreign language in a presence of someone who doesn't understand it is extremely rude (regardless if they were talking about you or not). I'm foreign myself but whenever someone talks to me in Polish in presence of someone who doesn't understand it I make a point and reply in English. It's just basic courtesy really...
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  16. On the flipside, there's a certain satisfaction when someone wrong assumes you can't understand what they are saying. The look on their face when you burst the bubble is priceless.
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  17. That is very very true :) :)
    Il learn some proper cockney and talk to them in Rhyming slang :) that will learn them as they say round here !

    My Step father is Polish , his Mother was and Father was English.
    They spoke Polish and German ( labour camp :( ).
    But at back in UK hardly ever heard anything but English they never spoke in Polish ...
    All had good manners :)
  18. Maybe they wanted to keep their chat private ? Erectile disfunction or something?
  19. Oh no please do not mention that!
    The other week on Embaressing bodies they had a special in it .
    I was told quick turn over !
    To my horror was 3 chaps I know in this special and even worse one suddenly got his kit off.
    I spat my tea out !!!
    I used to enjoy them in their band .
    They did " The stamp test"

    I will never be able to look them in the face again.
    I was just told quick turn over the bloke you thought was nice looking is on TV.
    I did not expect to see him demonstrating about erectile disfunction!

    put me right off :)
  20. they were bang out of order. i'll tell you what, go in there, stand at the end of a long shelf, extend arm, walk along length of shelf sweeping all of the over priced crap on the floor and leave (car parked around corner for ANPR reasons naturally)..
    Then listen to him trying to explain to his boss why there is all this smashed stock on the floor...sadly your'e Czech and havent got a clue wtf is going...but then again, you left about 15 minutes ago.

    day after, go in all smiles...

    'have a nice day mudda-fugga'..

    (ask me about the time i introduced a black widow catapult to a shop window..go on, ask me....or the time Mr.Clutch (now defunct) ripped me off...i got arrested for 'proprietory theft (stealing my own car back), got my own back to the tune of about £10, arrested, no charges, 9 months later i did i the fkr again.... smash, smash, smash...but thats another story)
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