Amazing, A reason to sell all my bikes........................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Good luck getting a quote from carol nash :tongue:
  2. This must be one of the ugliest things I have ever seen. I like the idea but that's about it...
  3. i had one, it was a bugger to park but did beat the congestion charge.
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  4. The one thing I don't like about things that fly:

    When your bike breaks down, you come to a stop at the verge.
    When your plane breaks down, you come to a very sudden stop on the ground.

    And you're brown bread.
  5. Unless it's a helicopter which you can often land even without the engine or a plane with more than one engine :)
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  6. ^^That's cool :upyeah:
  7. Rather you than me.
  8. don't they coast down as a gyrocopter ??? or is that plumment less rapidly
  9. It's called Auto-rotation
  10. Whats appealing about the maverick is:

    Cost - 96,000USD
    Perfomance. 0-60mph 4 seconds on road
    Economy: 30+mpg on road
    Spares: subaru 2.5 motor (loads around)
    Ease of use: the flexi wing is stored in the roof area of the car.

    It seems to be a fun and useful piece of kit.
  11. Yep. It's probably not the nicest experience but it's still a bit safer than trying to land a plane with a broken engine ;) Not having t find a runway also helps a bit :)
  12. £96k USD that's a lot for a glorified Paraglider. On a serious note Id love a Microlight
  13. something similar on this week's gadget show.
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