I see a soldier has been charged with possession of a copy of this. I remember in my teens my local library had a copy of it. How times change
You can buy it on Amazon. It's what you do with the information. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26756196
Buy it, then see how long before special twig smash in your back doors and take you away and lock you up, without charge, in a far hidden corner or Europe
The chances are, most of us have the knowhow without needing the book, thanks to the Daily Mail and the TV channels........
This ended up with the police being called in when I was at school after someone left the section with how to make a bomb in their exercise book. It was just a list of ingredients but the chemistry teacher knew exactly what it was. There was a large and detailed section on how to hypnotise people, I quite fancied the idea of that.... Still do! . Most of it wouldn't work now like the credit card fraud, and how to electrocute someone with a telephone sections because technology has advanced. I still have it somewhere it was called ' Jolly Rogers cook book '
Kids I knew (can't remember their names) when I was a kid in the early 60s were making b*mbs that could do serious damage..........They had to be bl**dy careful making them, as the ingredients were really unstable. Some of the kids were going to the coasts and other places for WW2 plane crash sites and salvaging large calibre amm* etc, which got carefully taken apart and the contents re-used, while the cases were re-assembled, polished and sold on..... None of them got hurt messing about with them though, but on reflection they had as much chance of doing so as anyone attempting it theses days.