1299 Another 1299 Wrap

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by evoboy, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. [​IMG]
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  2. Looks good... who did it?
  3. I did bud!
  4. Can you DM me your number please
  5. How good does the bodywork need to be underneath?
  6. Not sure about the yellow in there, i'd have stuck with white. But that's just choice. I can vouch for the work quality (top notch) because he did mine, so it's a thumbs up from me :):upyeah:
    And remember kids, a wrap's a wrap. You can always change it if you change your mind ;)
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  7. It all depends on what type of finish your after,
    The better the finish you give me the better the finish i can give you
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