Another Audi Driver Proves Why They Are The New Bmw

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. I agree with James May on this one - "Audi driver... Cock!"
    About 90% of the idiots who drive like complete twats on the roads these days seem to be driving Audis.
    (IMHO, obviously)
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. :Hilarious::Hilarious:
  3. I bet the Audi costs more to fix.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. What if you have 2 Audi's?
  5. Double cock ;)
  6. Hey, don't forget Audi own Ducati.:Facepalm:
  7. Erm, no they do not! :Eggonface:
  8. Disclosing a buying price of €747 million ($980 million at the exchange rate at the time of sale), perhaps the most interesting news in Audi’s report is that Ducati was actually bought by Lamborghini, making Ducati a subsidiary of the boutique Italian car-maker. This news would explain Ducati CEO Gabriele del Torchio’s appointment to the Lamborghini Board of Directors earlier last month.
    While Lamborghini’s ownership of Ducati is more of a formality, as both brands are still controlled by the Audi Group (read: Audi itself), the move does have two important aspects: one symbolic and one pragmatic. First symbolically, Ducati remains under some guise of Italian control, which in nationalistic Europe still counts for something…as ridiculous as it sounds to the rest of us.
    Realistically, the move contains some significant business maneuvering, as Ducati’s inclusion into Lamborghini instead of Audi has some advantages in the eyes of the European Union. It is no secret that Europe is cracking down on vehicle emissions, with more stringent standards coming down the pipe in rapid succession. This has created significant problems for sports car manufacturers, whose large-displacement machines act as anchors that drag the fleet-wide emissions mandates well below the line of acceptability
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Thats just accounting.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. So is Scotland...
  11. So is your IQ
  12. High Lands
    High IQ

    Get you Boots :smile:
  13. I was thinking more of the Trossachs
  14. Audi drivers drive like cocks because deep down they just can't admit that they're just driving a VW but are too snobby to admit it.

    Exige, did you ring Ducati to find out if that information was accurate?

    Bootsam, don't encourage the bloke, his eyesight ain't all that on account of those bollocks dangling in front of his eyes hanging off that knob growing out of his forehead.

    I thang yeow!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Yes, just before they barred me ;)
  16. Considering how many Audi's were sold in the last few years there are a lot of cocks on the road, tbh there are cocks in all sorts of cars not just Audi's

    I also Drive an Audi :)
  17. See... its all gone downhill since VAG got involved.

    But you have offset cock-ness by getting a Ducati. Yin yang and all that.
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