Another Multi Complaint

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by slipper1, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Collects far too many insects for my liking :cool: looked like a fly pizza after my little bimble to Anglesey today :eek:
    Probably doesn't help being the faster white one :upyeah:

    Many thanks to Pumpman for sorting me out with a lower seat at a very reasonable price, thoroughly nice chap :wink:

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  2. ones are fastest, however the black ones don't hang about either.:biggrin:
  3. Just wait until you strip off the bodywork. Dead bugs fall out from everywhere!!
  4. Yeah, I had a white one - it was the fastest colour last year. Now I've got a 2013 silver one, and that's definitely much faster.
  5. regarding getting flies off, the best product I've come across is something called cyko.
    I bought a bottle from a guy that cleaned my bike last year, and it is superb.

    Came back from a 10 day trip to France / Germany, bike looked like there had been a masacre with all the flies and blood. :biggrin:
    Sprayed this stuff on, gave it a bit of a rub with my finger to deal with the stubborn bits, and then sponged it off with water after about a minute. The whole lot was gone !
    I've tried so many things in the past that worked a bit, but this is almost effortless.

    If you've not tried it before give it a go. Asda sell it for 4.99 for a litre bottle. :cool:
  6. Will deffo give this a go thanks, never seen it in my asda, i normally buy that bug blitz the pink stuff, it's cheap and use half the bottle just trying to get rid of the carnage.
  7. We don't have an asda local to us, but i've seen it on their asda direct website.

    I have tried all sorts over the years, and flies on a light coloured bike, especially white are murder (literally :tongue:)
    I would often find that in the right light you could still see the outline of where the splat had been. With this stuff there was nothing. I did the screen too and it got it cleaner than it has been for ages.

    It is strong stuff, and some say you should dilute it 4 to 1, but bugger that, it works as it is and doesn't cost too much :smile:
  8. Mr Sheen/Spray polish gets flies off a treat. Dead simple.
  9. Is it "Cyko Accelerated Bike Cleaner" that you are referring to?
  10. There's an even simpler, quicker way to get flies off (visors and bikes) without chemicals or waiting times.

    In the household goods aisle of your local supermarket, you're very likely to find either Flash Magic Eraser or JML Doktor Power. They're both micro-cell sponges. Just keep a piece, wetted with tap water, in a zip lock plastic bag and scrub away at bugs without any fear of scratching. MUST USE IT WET. It's the same stuff that they make V2 sponges out of and it's a fraction of the cost.
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  11. They don't stock Cyco bike cleaner in my local Asda (Prenton, Wirral for name and shame sake)
    i will have a look in the bigger Asda in Birkenhead when i can be arsed, will also look for that sponge thing that sounds the bizz :)
    I could keep it in that little key holder thing on the right, which i'm never going to use for anything :upyeah:
  12. Is there any limit to the banality on this site. Now the problem is the Multistrada collects flies!!
    Worthy of a full product recall clearly.

    Put a good coat of silicon polish on it and the little buggers will hose of with water.
  13. Banality....Wow, just wow, i have no idea what it means, if its any good and derogatory i'm going to use it as my word of the day tomorrow.

    As if i need to state the obvious this post started tongue in cheek.

    That silicon polish does look good though, cheap too :upyeah: Thanks for the recommendation 996log :smile:
  14. google cyko cleaner and you can get it off the net delivered, John..... I cant believe you paid to have your bike cleaned lol
  15. Three of us had them prepped for winter last year, including acf treatment. The guy spent the whole day doing them, and it looked amazing, for 55 quid a bike :)
    Big kitch, yes that's the stuff.
    regarding silicon sprays, tried them but a weeks worh of French flies take a bit of effort. This stuff needs next to no effort.
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