Yesterday, my friend and colleague who I cycle to work with most days, was cycling home along a well lit city street in clear weather albeit dark. This guy always rides with two high visibility rear red lights, reflective material all over his clothing, a florescent jacket and rucksack with reflective bands and additional bands on the bottom of his cycling trousers. Last night he was rear ended and knocked into the carriageway. Luckily he only suffered a grazed and bruised knee and a cut to the left leg. Buckled rear wheel with a large gash of aluminium, possibly from the alloy wheel of the car was present on the bikes wheel nut, so there is no way the car who hit him didn,t know of the collision. Without starting the old "Cyclists shouldn't be there motorist pay tax and insurance" debate, what sort of society is it where 1. The actual motorist who hit him failed to stop. 2.Vehicles stopped behind my mate to avoid driving over him or his bike then proceeded to drive around the accident scene. 3. According to my mate, NOT ONE individual came forward to offer assistance. 4. NOT ONE person apparently witnessed the incident. Mick said he was eventually given a lift home by the local Constabulary after 45 minutes. In His words, he feels lucky to be here at all! Do we not care for other human beings at all?!
A sad reflection and a good argument for cameras mounted on the bike. The driver need to be held accountable.
So your friend Mick has told you his story, from his perspective. You may choose the believe everything he says. As far as the rest of us are concerned, these are allegations which may or may not be true, and we have no way of knowing. Other people who were present at the scene might have a totally different perspective on what happened, for all we know. Are you asking us to take on trust the hearsay you report your friend as saying? You have got to be kidding!
I hit a deer once and the driver behind me stopped and offered to write a witness statement for my insurance company to prove it happened.
Unneccessary. He's recounting a story from his "friend and colleague" , no reason to disbelieve him at face value, unless youre such a cynical person, you require independent witnesses when opening a tin of baked beans, to make sure it's not spaghetti letters. In which case good luck with that. as for "..the rest of us..." You only speak for yourself. did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?
Firstly this is not a court of law and im not asking for anyone's opinion on the accident or its circumstances. Secondly, as TT600 points out, I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve his perspective based on his cycling experience and sensible attitude to road use. Are you seriously telling me that there is a legitimate reason not to stop at an injury accident? The fact he is not in possession of the offenders details or in fact any other details of witness from the scene, and given that he was not helped to the side of the road or his condition checked, proves any other point than people simply don't care? Idiots are always prepared to slow down to gawp at something that doesn't concern them yet when asked to step up to the mark nobody wants to bother themselves to get involved. totally shit in my book
Pete whilst I know you are incredibly intelligent and articulate , and tend to look through the perspective of the legal framework, i also look forward to your thoughts. however You do occasionally come across as a tad crass and uncaring . I appreciate we are all individuals with our own perspectives but lighten up please.
He`s lucky he wasn`t caught on one of those "Russian dashcam videos". They often get a beating whilst still on the ground.
Does gullibility know no bounds? Are folk so credulous they are really prepared to believe implicitly a vague, second-hand account from somebody they know nothing about? And tear strips off anybody who points this out?
Or it could equally prove that your friend is telling a pack of lies. He may be, he may not be. I don't know, and you don't know. That's my point.
Again Pete, are you seriously telling me that you live life events without any form of corroboration. Do you photograph everything to prove to people you have done what you said you have done? Gullability does not come into it! Mick is my friend and workmate who I have known for many years. What would he want to achieve by injuring himself and then apparently lying about it for Christ's sake? Why would he make such a thing up? If you wish to disbelieve any of your friends life events without a signed affidavit, or in fact hold conversations with people who may wish to tell you something without any form of photographic or video corroboration that's a matter for you but the way me and my friends live our lives is based upon trust, a principal that seems to evade you. Mick, I have to inform you, has spent today contacting all the people on his list of witnesses, oh! wait! perhaps not! or maybe he did, I just don't know any more!