1260 Anti Seize Advice

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by firecat0_0, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Hi,

    I will be fitting a full termi to my 1260 in the next few days and I am seeking advice from this very knowledgable forum on what anti seize compound I should use on the exhaust joints - if any?

    I want the ability to be able to disassemble the termi exhaust easily and refit the standard exhaust system if the termi system fails to meet the various track noise limits I am planning to ride (Thruxton and Caldwell). After the events I will refit the termi/map for road use. A bit of a faff but I want to be able to ride at these venues and don’t want to be turned away for being over limit after I have paid to ride.

    I may also look at seeing whether or not the baffle can be modified on the full system to quieten it down without screwing performance but that depends on whether or not the full system with the baffle will fail and if so by how much.

    Any thoughts, advice or experiences would be appreciated.

  2. Pretty sure there are no motorcycle track days at Thruxton.
  3. Spot on, the events I will be attending at Thruxton are skills days, done two this year but with the standard 1260 exhaust which, whilst it is quiet it does not make me smile like a termi does. In fact it sounds both quieter and bland compared to swbo’s 1200 monster standard exhaust.
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  4. some people use silicon (RTV) on exhaust joints. i dont, but exhausts do come apart easily enough when used.
  5. Put some copper slip on the joints. The grease will melt but it will leave the copper deposits behind.
  6. Make sure the bike is nicely warm. It’s quieter then believe it or not
  7. Thanks guys, appreciated.
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