Recently all my desk top icons have started realigning themselves on the left of my screen everytime I reboot. I have tried selecting and de-selecting the auto arrange and align to grid options but it makes no difference. The only thing I remember happening prior to this starting was an auto update. Any one have any ideas? Cheers, Si
It's that Bill Gates fella. He has control over you soul and PC. You may as well roll over and die :frown:
What version of which operating system are you using? Try rolling back the update and seeing if the auto-align behaves the same way?
Post the question on a geeky Windows forum. You'll probably have the right answer in a few minutes. Horses for courses.
Seen this behaviour before with a rootkit virus. At work I just swap the machine out and nuke the hard drive before reinstalling - it's easier than chasing down the virus and fixing what's wrong.
Thats a bit harsh, but yes a really solid deep virus check is in order before you take it apart. Lots of half decent anti virus systems out there (free and otherwise). It all depends what kinds of deprivity you like looking at in your down time. Suzukis for example.....errr nasty :biggrin: :biggrin:
If it happened after system update it's likely to be a glitch in the system. Happened to me with one of previous versions of Mac OSX and it was quickly sorted with another update so there's a possibility that you may have to put up with this for a while. Or you can fiddle with Preference files - don't attempt it though if you're unsure what you're doing. Running virus check is also good idea, even if it's just for a peace of mind. If you have a backup you can try restoring system to thee condition it was before the update.