Any Go Pro Gurus Out There?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by chizel, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. Hey chums.
    I have a gopro hero 7 black.
    On the last days of my euro trip last year, for some reason the rear screen shows no images.
    It lights up ish and the front screen (the lil black and white one) shows info like its recording n stuff as does the lil suptig remote that is paired via WiFi..
    Anybody have a clue as to how I get the hero screen to show images?
  2. I haven't a clue either but i would google search or there are usually some good youtube vids that explain stuff like that, it's what i normally do if i get stuck or get my 24 year old son to have a look, just a suggestion:upyeah:.
  3. Cheers mate. I've tried both those options ( although I asked my boy and not yours!) And neither have come up trumps..
    That said, it was nearly a year ago I looked for help online so maybe there is more info out there now..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. :upyeah:
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