Any plumbers or heating guys or gals on here..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. My old boilers playing up and I don't mean the wife.

    Ideal Classic FF350 fires up ok then runs for erm not long and goes out. Then wont fire up again for about 10 mins after switching it on and off. I ha d downloaded the owners/install PDF and had root around and Im thinking gas valve? or could it be the overheat thermostat? or something else but before I go spunking money on parts could do with help
  2. Thermo cut out sensor? is the pump running, enough water in the system?
  3. is the pump working
  4. Yes the pump is running fine.
  5. Are you getting a water feed from the tank?
  6. fan working ?
    s or y plan...motorised valves working ok ?
  7. I guess so, but how do I check that?
  8. Fan definitely works and the motorised valve*is fine as it goes I replaced that not so long back
  9. Is there an echo??!!
  10. try bleeding the pump when it fires up..make sure its not air-locked
  11. when was it last serviced?
  12. haha...yeh big echo
    ...caused by prosseco...:)
  13. 9 years ago lol
  14. How's the CO detector? :biggrin:
  15. well it needs a service...the usual suspects from what you say are ok.
    difficult to say over here
    away to bed...too much neck oil
  16. Fuck it may just get an expert in and get it serviced at the same time.
  17. Sign up to the British Gas service scheme
  18. yes then when its :)
  19. And at a large cost, they will instantly tell you to get a new boiler.............

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